

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The cost of my campaign

"In a local election, the office should not necessarily go to the highest bidder, the one willing to spend the most to win the election.  The way that a candidate spends during his or her campaign may say something about their fiscal responsibility."

To date, I have spent $648.11.  This includes prepayment for a booth at the Jefferson County Fair ($115.00) and a shared booth at the All County Picnic ($10.00).

This has all come out of my pocket, and my wife's purse.  Spending this money has not come without some compromises to our plans, but an opportunity to work to improve our PUD, we feel, is worth it.

I want to be able to work toward improving the service offered by our PUD, a public asset of which we can all be proud.  An organization with its eyes on the future and its hands at the controls, assuring a smooth running operation.  I want our PUD to be run like a business but one that will not forget those of our neighbors that are less fortunate than ourselves.

The person you select for your next PUD commissioner will play a significant roll in designing the future of our area.  I feel that I have gained the experience required, during my 40 years as an elected Hospital Commissioner, to make the changes needed in the operations and management of our PUD.

The management of any organization is a team effort with each component doing their own job but coordinating their efforts to create the greatest efficiency and success.

Tuesday is Election day I would appreciate your vote, but, the important thing is that

you VOTE!!  Let your voice be heard!!  Those who have served and are serving in our

armed forces have paid too high a price for our liberty and our right to vote, so, please 

remember them and honor their sacrifice by doing your duty, as a citizen, and cast your


Thank you
Anthony F. (Tony) De Leo
Commissioner Candidate
Jefferson County Public Utility District No. 1

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