

Thursday, August 14, 2014

After the Debate

"A person of strength will retain their ethics and standards even when those they face lower the bar and stray from the issues in favor of personal attacks and negativity".

I am not sure what to say about last night's debate at the Chimacum Grange.  I addressed the issues, pointed out my qualifications for the position and answered the questions from the audience.  I agreed that there are issues with the PUD, but have chosen to stay positive and talk on how we can build on what has been accomplished.

Mr. Collins, my opponent, seemed to focus more on what he inferred to as my lack of available time for the job and/or a lack of commitment on my part.

As to my time to commit to being a PUD Commissioner, I am now retired and my only commitment, other than my family, is to being a Hospital Commissioner.  For nearly 40 years, I performed my duties for the hospital while working a full time job until I retired.  The Hospital Board's regular meetings are on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and run less than 3 hours.  Yes, there are special meetings and other functions, but most of the time I spend is in research and keeping up with current trends, which allows flexibility in available time.

Mr. Collins inferred that I either lacked the time or commitment to the election in that I have not traveled our county on a doorbelling campaign.  No, I have not been the one knocking at your door.  This is because I want to treat you, the voters, the way I want to be treated.  I do not appreciate someone coming to my door, disturbing my day, my meal or, worst yet, waking  a child you have just gotten to sleep.  We are grandparents and know the drill.  Instead, I have spent the time doing research on the issues facing our PUD, contacting other PUD's for ideas and other tasks preparing me for the post.

I had a booth at the Jefferson County Fair and was there to meet with you each day from opening to close, a total of 30 hours.  I was told that Mr. Collins spent his time at the Democratic Party's Booth.

I would appreciate a chance to share your concerns about our PUD or just get to know each other, but when it is convenient for you.  Just give me a call and we can set  a time to meet. My phone number is 360 385-6335 and my Email is

I  made this comment in an earlier blog, and will make it again.  When Mr. Collins refers to his 26 years of management experience in the power and utility industry, you might ask him about his specific duties and responsibilities and how they relate to those of a PUD Commissioner.  I did and his response is on his Facebook page, or in my 08/01 blog.

I will stay on the issues and try to avoid the typical politician's approach of attacking my opponent.

I still need your help and support.  Campaigns are expensive and, like many of you, our budget is limited.
Thank you

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