

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In retrospect

I just finished, finally, clearing out the last of the Emails from my campaign for the PUD Commission. 

Do I have any regrets?  Yes, I regret that I did not start my campaign sooner, that I let my commitment to making our community a better place take over. Oh, and by the way, I regret that I lost the election, in case you were wondering.

Did I learn anything from the experience?  Yes, that our community has changed in so many ways, that wanting to serve your community and having the relevant experience will no longer get you elected.  I approached it as if I were applying for a job, the perceived the process.  I see now that getting elected to a local office is now all about politics.  Rather sad, isn't it?!!

Anyway, I am older and, I hope, wiser from the experience.

Thanks again to those of you who voted for me and those who supported my campaign efforts.
Enjoy the rest of your week

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thougth for the day

We may not be as young as we once were, but we are as young now as we will ever be. Ponder that, seize the moment, do great things, do fun stuff, but do something!!!