

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Leader did not publish their own question #5

Below are the questions, in lighter type, sent out by the Leader to both PUD Candidates for the Wednesday (October 15) PT / Jefferson county Leader Voters Guide. We were directed to answer all five questions in 250 words of less. My responses, as submitted, less than 250 words, are in darker type. Questions #5 was not printed in the guide, I can only assume that is due to excess words in my opponent's response.

Leader questions:

Name: Anthony F. (Tony) De Leo
Age: 65
Years lived in your district: 16 years, lifetime Jefferson County resident
Qualifications: 40+ years in an elected Jefferson County office
Relevant experience: Commissioner, Jefferson Co. Public Hospital District #2, since 1973, still serving.
1) What separates you from your opponent in terms of experience to be a PUD commissioner?
Over 40 years of service in an elected office, working collaboratively on a board, trained in the Open Public Meetings and Public Records Acts. I know and respect the difference between Board and staff duties and responsibilities. 

2) Have you signed up to make a donation to the PUD's Power Boost program, an initial effort to collect money to help low-income customers pay their power bill? Why or why not?
We have contributed. This program is a start, but much more needs to be done.

3) What one PUD policy would you want to see changed during your first year in office?
Provide a substantial, coordinated, assistance program, including energy efficiency upgrades, for our less fortunate neighbors, with rigorous pre-screening and monitoring. 

4) Along with electricity, water and sewer services, the PUD has taken on future management of the broadband internet system in East Jefferson County. Does the PUD have the capacity to shepherd broadband, a key driver of economic development?
With the PUD/NoaNet fiber optic system, our PUD can legally only sell access to your Internet Service Provider (ISP), so your service depends on their business plan, but laws may change. We have a very capable PUD staff. 

5) What do you say to voters who wonder why an elected public healthcare district commissioner wants also to be an elected PUD commissioner? Why both?
I filed for the same reasons that, I hope, others file; I see things that could be improved, I have the related experience and qualifications, and feel that I can make a difference.
I have served as your Hospital Commissioner for over 40 years while most of that time, working a full time job. I am now retired and have the time and energy to devote to the PUD position while still continuing my commitment to my Hospital Commission duties.
The roles of a Hospital Commissioner and PUD Commissioner are very similar and serve the same areas of our county. Two legal reviews were done on this, no conflicts found. 

I will contact the Leader tomorrow and try to arrange publication of questing #5.
Running for a public office can be an odd experience, at times.
Thanks for your support and, especially,

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