

Friday, October 17, 2014

My commitment continues

"If you have to compromise your current commitments to work toward a new goal, attaining that goal may not be worth the price."

I returned Thursday afternoon from the annual Washington State Hospital Conference, held in Seattle.  Although I am very focused on becoming your new PUD Commissioner, I refuse to pursue this goal at the expense of my commitment as Commissioner for Jefferson County Public Hospital District #2, aka Jefferson Healthcare, a post I have held for over 40 years.

Many would say that I should have passed on this WSHA educational program to allow more time to work on my PUD campaign, but, that is just not me.  When I make a commitment, I do everything in my power to honor it.  I would make the same level of commitment to the PUD, should you, the voters, elect me to represent you as your PUD Commissioner.

There were many great programs, some specific to healthcare management, while others covered governance, such as "The Nexus of Strategy and Governance in Times of Disruptive Change." and "Reflecting and Serving Our Increasingly Diverse Communities".  These sessions will help me stay open to all possibilities while still logically assessing them before proceeding.

One presenter reminded us of the old Wayne Gretzky quote "Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been."  I am not much for sports quotes, but these are great words to live by when doing the planning for the future, so critical to an organization's success.

I learned a great deal during these three days, but it is good to be home again!!!

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