

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

On showing respect

"During an election campaign, is it necessary to ignore basic courtesy toward others?"

"Common" courtesy and respect toward others was has always been an important part of my nature.  Those "in the know" on how to get elected tell me that you should take every opportunity to spotlight the weaknesses in your opponent and that, when needed, speak negatively about nearly anything, as necessary, whatever it takes to get elected.

One of the courtesies I have been advised to ignore is referring to someone by their name as a sign of respect.  This was drilled in to my consciousness throughout my youth.  I am told "never use the other candidate's name, only refer to them as "my opponent".  They explain why, to avoid putting their name in the voters minds, but, really??

Somehow, this reminds me a routine from the Harry Potter series where they refer to the ultimate evil as "He who must not be named".

I will consider their advice, but there are values that I am not willing to sacrifice, no matter how much I want the opportunity to serve as your next PUD Commissioner.


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