

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On respect and courtesy

"When we publicly show a lack of respect and professional courtesy towards our colleagues, the  action diminishes us all and undermines the confidence, in us, of those we serve" 

I attended the PUD Commission meeting this afternoon and I must question whether the Board has agreed to or abides by a code of conduct.  On more than one occasion this evening, while being treated in what I would consider a questionable manner by his fellow commissioners, Commissioner Barney Burke consistently took the high ground, staying on point, on the issues, while showing more respect for his colleagues than he was receiving.

When professionalism is lost in a discussion, particularly in a public setting, how can those being represented maintain confidence in the people they have elected.
In 41 years serving on the Board of Jefferson County Public Hospital District No. 2, I have been involved in several heated discussions over matters before the Board but, except for a rare exception or two, the interaction was focused on the issue at hand without any member trying to demean or show disrespect for our fellows at the table or the public in the audience. 

When you are the voice of the people, you must speak with a strong voice on the issues and demand the respect that your office deserves.  I have never accepted inappropriate actions during a meeting and, if elected, that position would carry over to the PUD.


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