In the guide
"If you take advantage of every opportunity to get your message out there, you are more likely to be found"
Yesterday, I supplied the required information to be added to the Jefferson County on-line voter's guide. I must admit, it was more like a test than filling out a form. There was no spell check or any other electronic assistant to assure that my misplaced finger did not result in some new form of language previously not seen.
Site for voter's guide:
Speaking of electronics and such, the battle continues between me and my new "smart" phone. Remember the days when a phone was connected to the rest of the world by a piece of wire, either bolted to the wall or conveniently located on the desk or nightstand? No need to try to find it, the wire leash kept in right where it belonged. Some of them had a calendar, but it was the paper type, taped to the phone and shared the months with some text such as "Joe's Garage, phone 491 (am I really that old?). Most calendars, however, used a different format, they hung on the wall next to the phone, not only showing the day and month but also serving as your contact list and note pad.
The more I work with this new (to me, at least) technology, the better my old flip phone looks. Please do not get me wrong, electronic devices are great tools for research and written communications and I am quite proficient in this area, I just wonder about the logic that requires you use a computer to research how to use a computer.
Ponder that, sports fans
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