

Sunday, June 15, 2014

On Being Cost-Conscious

"Frequently, when the source of  funding is too isolated from those spending it, cost can be of little concern, after all, spending someone else's money is far less painful than spending our own."

Unfortunately, far too frequently, especially in the government sector, the value of the money spent is lost to those committing the funds, becoming little more than figures on a spread sheet.  The money is there in the budget so we should spend it.  To assure that we have adequate funds, we will just request a larger budget, resulting in increased taxes or higher fees for services provided.

As a member of the Board of Commissioners for Jefferson County Public Hospital District No. 2, we have always worked to keep the taxes as low as possible.  Our District has one of the lowest tax rates of any Washington State hospital district.  We are in the process of designing and building a new three story Emergency and Special Services building to house existing and future services.  This will replace a 1929 vintage building, remodeling of which would be cost prohibitive.  This will be funded through a federally sponsored loan that will require no new local taxes.

When the Board and administration learned that, due to a recovery of the construction industry, the cost of the building would exceed the original estimate and our budget, we sent the plan back to the architect for cost engineering to bring the cost back in line.  The revised plan, to be released shortly,  was the result of effort and stress by CEO Mike Glenn and his team, working with the designers, and will be able to fill our current and future needs while the project will again be within our original budget.

What brought this to mind was that I decided that I should have some sort of campaign buttons.  Not an issue, just go on line, whip out the credit card and place the order.  I really only needed a few and, for the most part, suppliers will not accept small orders.  Should I order far more than I need and spend too much money?  The solution; be creative!  I had a few pin-on card holders used for seminars. I created the text on Microsoft Word, printed cards on colored craft paper we have around for the grandkids, placed the cards into the holders and TA-DA, I now  have the "buttons".

Sometimes creativity and effort, not more money, can provide the solution.

A bit tired tonight, mowed our lawn, did the weed-eating, helped around the house and worked out in my shop.

Sleep well, pleasant dreams to you all!!!!

PS.  To contact me, just give me a call at home (360-385-6335) or email me at

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