

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Back home

"Time spent learning new ways, better ways, of doing things is time well spent."

I just returned home from a three-day rural hospital conference in Eastern Washington.  The topics included how hospitals can do more for our communities with less funding (smaller payments for the same services provided), strategies for improved quality and patient safety and briefings as to what to expect in the future from Olympia and the other Washington (DC).

In today's healthcare delivery market, the demands for additional services and improved quality and efficiency increase as the payments from the insurance companies as well as government payers (Medicare and Medicaid) continue to shrink.  Learning to do more with less while still keeping those your serve as your first priority can be challenging, but essential for organizational survival.  I feel that this mindset would transfer well to the PUD and prove to be a great asset in the years to come.

As I have said frequently, just because I have chosen to run for the PUD Commission post, I am no less committed to those I serve within our Hospital District, a commitment that will continue regardless of the outcome on the November election.  Being retired, I have the time, energy and drive to make our community a better place through both elected positions.

More tomorrow, long return trip today, time to catch up on some ZZZZZ's.


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