

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Good News

"Hearing good news is always appreciated, however, at times, it is overshadowed by darkening clouds in the form of  other important issues not yet resolved"

After attending this afternoon's PUD Commission meeting, I came away feeling that progress is being made in some areas while others seem to languish on, some of which, in my opinion, are critical to the management of our utility.

The good news is that our PUD has contracted with CLEAResults Consulting, Inc., to administer a program to allow instant rebates, at our local stores, on approved conservation items such as LED and compact fluorescent bulbs and water saving shower heads.  This is great news!!  Not only will this help our citizens convert to more energy efficient lighting options, it will encourage shoppers to buy these items locally, helping keep the retail dollar here.

Today, at the meeting, I had the chance to see "Lucas, our certified building scientist".  He seemed knowledgeable, but he was no Bill Nye, the Science Guy.  No white coat or bow tie!  The conservation incentive program moves ahead, SLOWLY, but progress is being made.  Lucas made a presentation on the services his company, Cascadia Consulting Group, provides, including a marketing push to inform our area on their opportunities for rebates for conservation measures.

When I had the opportunity, I suggested that the most efficient way to inform people in our PUD's area is to list the rebate details on the PUD  website and to arrange for a local phone number where people could request additional info.

 Now, when you look on the website under table of rebate measures for ducted heat pumps, insulation, air sealing, duct sealing or windows, all you will find is this:
"Please call Lucas, our certified building scientist @ 206.449.1134".

Now, for the clouds.  The PUD has contracted with EES Consulting to preform a cost of service and rate design study.  Considering that the 2013 PUD final financial statement is still not completed, the study may be a bit more complicated. 

The response to a request for the 2013 financial statements, dated June 12, 2014, was that  they probably wouldn't be completed until sometime in September.  Per the manager's report at today's meeting, the state auditor is scheduled to begin the PUD audit in mid July.  Our PUD has a highly qualified, possibly overworked, District Financial Officer, Michael Legarsky.  It appears that he needs additional help. Getting the financial statements completed should be a very high priority.  How can you run a business in 2014 if your 2013 financials aren't finished?
You might consider attending a PUD Commissioner meeting, held on the first and third Tuesday of every month, 5PM, at the admin building, 230 Chimacum Road.  They are all open to the public.

Sorry, long blog, but I had alot on my mind.

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