

Saturday, September 26, 2015

This was my 5th and probably last race for 2015. My times have gotten progressively better for each race. This time out, my average was 17.74 minutes per mile. Wouldn't even register on a "real" runners scorecard, but for me, that is pretty cool.

I do not compete with the others in the race, I only compete with myself, trying be a little better this time than the last. To me, at 66 years old, just starting the race makes me a winner, finishing just confirms that we can accomplish things that we did not think possible.

During the race, I had a bit of time to think about many things. The sun was warm, the shade provided a bit of cooling, the breeze refreshed me and the scenery was terrific.

I thought about a very deer friend of mine recuperating from injuries he received in a recent traffic accident.

Other thoughts kept arising, thoughts about those wonderful, motivated young men and women who commit to serving their, and our, county in the armed forces. Far too many of them, as a result of their sacrifice, cannot do what I was doing today, not for lack of courage and determination, but due to injuries received in combat. Many do still compete, on prosthetic limbs, in wheel chairs, they still compete and are the true champions!!

If you have not been in a race, you should think about it. This is a great way to challenge yourself, improve your health and maybe, just maybe, add a year or two to your life. But, please remember, do a bit of training first. If you have never done long distance walking or running, get some advise on how to avoid injuries.

Must admit, moving a bit slowly tonight, maybe a new ache there or pain there, but, as they say, no pain....

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