

Saturday, September 12, 2015

End of another summer but not the list

Good Evening all,

As the last warm days of summer turn into the fall's cooler prelude to winter's icy grasp, I was reviewing my list of the fun things that I will do this summer. 

As I look at the long list, a list with very few mission accomplished check marks, I wondered why, with an entire summer, that I did not do more of the fun stuff.  Simple answer, I let life get in the way, you know, mow the lawn, fix the step, mow the lawn again, the stuff the we let get in our way.  I have been accused of, from time to time, taking the easy path in my personal live, not forgoing  the dreaded to-do list, the responsibilities that come with being a grown-up.

I had made myself a promise that this summer would be different, that I would do a bunch of fun stuff, the things on my summer list.  It seems that  it is much easier to keep a promise to others than it is to yourself.  I told myself that this summer would be different, and I believed myself.

Taking another look at the list for 2015, so many items looked familiar.  They are!!  They are carry-overs from 2014, 2013, 2012 and so on.  Not big things like a trip to the Bahamas, things like going to a movie at our local drive-in theater (yes, we still have one, the Wheel-In Theater.  And then there was a day trip to a west coast ocean beach, like Kalalock (yes, that is how it is spelled).  A picnic under a shady tree followed by a brief nap, falling asleep watching the clouds drift by through the tree branches. 

These were such simple expectations of new summer memories created, most costing no more that a few gallons of gas and a home-made sandwich.

Can I believe myself when I say that the summer of 2016 will be different, that I will diligently work my way down that fun stuff list, enjoying making those check marks?  Then a moment of stark reality stuck me.  I may have squandered away my last summer on this earth, there may not be a summer of 2016 for me, but I hope there will be.  Maybe the spirits of summers past will haunt me this night. Why not, worked for Scrooge!

I truly hope that you had more success doing all the fun things that you had planned for 2015.  Well, there may still be a few nice days left, let's all get out there and have some fun
Have a good evening and a fun tomorrow!!

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