

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Debate

"Frequently, after an important event, you hope that you performed better than you remember while fearing that you did worse".

First, let me say that I am proud of our citizens for the large turnout  for the debate last night, especially considering it was the eve of a long holiday weekend.  Those in the audience were very attentive and asked intelligent, focused questions.

I had prepared a list of talking points but, as usually happens with me, I shoot from the hip, saying what I think and feel, what is important to me, and I hope, to those I may be privileged to represent. 

 There was a question asked about the water supply in Chimacum Valley for agricultural purposes.  I must admit that I was not aware of the issue.  I said, that, to my knowledge, the PUD has an adequate water supply and reserve for current and future needs but I was referring to domestic use.

From a presentation by USGS at a PUD Commission meeting, there appears to be a large quantity of water held in the peat type soil there.  It was suggested that a test well be drilled to determine the flow available.  Much of the restrictions to water use are imposed by the state department of ecology.  We want to maintain adequate water for the wild environment and its inhabitants, but this must be balanced against our needs. If the local small farms are to grow and flourish, they must have access to an adequate water supply.  Our PUD needs to work with the DOE and our legislators to allow this important part of our local economy to thrive.

My focus has always been to have a contingency plan should the worst case scenario occur, while seeking to build on what we have accomplished and looking for new opportunities to make things better.  Unfortunately, too many in politics look for the faults, not virtues, in their fellow candidates and the organizations they wish to subsequently represent.  There is good and bad in everyone and everything.  If you focus only on the negative, that is all you will see.

Thanks to those attending the debate and to those who will listen to rebroadcasts on our local radio (KPTZ 91.9 FM) and view them at PTTV 

Enjoy this sunny holiday and, PLEASE, stay safe!!!!!

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