Fiber Optic cable for internet
"Some solutions can be, on occasion, more complicated that the original issue being addressed."
Installation of 46 miles of a high speed fiber optic cable network within Jefferson County (Route NW-2) was initiated by NoaNet (Northwest Open Access Network), a non-profit cooperative, through cooperation with BPA (Bonneville Power Administration). This also includes wireless facilities for sites that cable access was cost prohibitive. This project was initially funded by a $3.2 million dollar grant through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) and a county contribution of $500,000.00.
The system is developed as a wholesale statewide fiber infrastructure to bring the fiber backbone to community anchor institutions (CAIs) such as schools, libraries and governmental facilities. The service provided to these users is on a fee for service basis. Our PUD currently is implementing enhanced control systems for power and water distribution using this fiber cabling.
The plan is that the cable, for now, will be owned and operated by NoaNet with subsequent transfer to our PUD within 5 years, as explained to me. As for service delivery to homes and private businesses, that will be the responsibility and discretion of a local ISP (internet service provider), privately owned companies.
According to Chuck Freeman from NoaNet, "Wholesale broadband services are sold to the ISP and they in-turn sell internet to their end users. The wholesale charges are used to support the fiber infrastructure."
I write this to attempt to answer a question raised at the debate on July 3 regarding the availability of end user fiber services in Quilcene. When the main fiber system is completed, it will be up to the commercial ISP to make this service available to our homes and private businesses, depending on the ISP's business plan for your area.
Thanks and, please, ask any questions. Contact me at
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