"Well, all I know is what I read in the papers." Quote from Will Rogers, early 20th century humorist in The New York Times (30 September 1923).
I think this quote is quite appropriate with regards to the upcoming primary election, There was only one candidate forum (debate) between the PUD candidates, sponsored by the League of Women Voters on July 3rd, so our local papers are a good resource for guiding your vote.
The Leader staff posed one last question to the candidates; What separates you from your opponents and why should people vote for you?” The answers appear in today's edition. I have tried not to comment on my fellow candidates campaigns, but this will be an exception.
These are the answers copied from the Leader:
Kenneth Collins wrote: “I have the courage to speak truth to power, the commitment to walk door-to-door in the district, the conviction to dig deeply into my own pockets to fund my campaign and the compassion to care about the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community.”
My comment: I do not quite catch the meaning of "I have the courage to speak truth to power".
As to "the commitment to walk door-to-door in the district" I commend his efforts. I made a commitment to treat the voters the way I want to be treated, in other words, to not disturb their day or, especially, their dinner, and I have stuck to that commitment. I have, however, taken the time to share myself and my views with you each day in my blogs at: DeLeo4PUD.blogspot.com
I have also attended meetings of the PUD Commission, PUD Citizen Advisory Board, Friends of Public Power, Local 2020 and other gatherings of concerned citizens. I have spent many hours of research on issues facing our PUD and our community. I have done my homework!!
Regarding "the conviction to dig deeply into my own pockets to fund my campaign" I found this on his website ,http://kennethcollinspud.com/ :
Donate to the Campaign
Please send your contributions to: Campaign Treasurer Judith
Collins, 415 Meade Road, Nordland, WA 98358 / Checks payable to: Kenneth
Collins for PUD.
>>>According to today's Leader, Mr. Collins has raised $7,352.00 in campaign donations and spent $5,558.00. Apparently, not all of the money is coming out of his own pocket. Is this an issue of credibility???
>>>According to today's Leader, Mr. Collins has raised $7,352.00 in campaign donations and spent $5,558.00. Apparently, not all of the money is coming out of his own pocket. Is this an issue of credibility???
The ads you have seen in the Leader, the printed material and cards I had available at the forum, all expenses for my campaign, to date, have, in fact, come out of our pocket, my wife and I.
Incumbent Ken McMillen wrote: “My experience, knowledge and
understanding of state regulations will be of great benefit to voters.
It’s not who has the most signs or biggest ads who will be the best
commissioner. It is the man who has been on the job and knows all the
complications of the energy world.”
I agree with Mr. McMillen in that local offices should not go to the highest bidder, the one who spends the most money on signs, full page ads and frisbies bearing their picture. The candidate you choose should be the one that most reflects your position on issues facing the office for which they run and will listen to your concerns and work to resolve them.
Thank you and, P L E A S E remember to vote, the clock is quickly running out.
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