

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Well, why don't you...

"When you receive the answer to your question, it might not be what you were expecting, but it is the answer."

Why don't you go door belling, knocking on doors throughout the District, like the rest of the politicians do? 

First of all, I am not now, never have been and never will be a "politician"!!!  When I decided to run for the PUD Commission position, I made a promise that I would not go door belling, not because I do not care about those I would visit nor due to lack of commitment on my part.  I have always tried to treat everyone the way I want to be treated.  I do not appreciate unexpected, unknown people showing up on my doorstep, so I am not doing this to others.

Instead, I have written nearly daily in my blog and facebook page, sharing my ideas and concerns on our PUD, and listed my phone number and email address so I can easily be contacted.  I have attended every PUD Candidate debates and most other forums and I have worked with people to set up forums that had not previously  been  planned.  I spent three full days of the Jefferson County Fair at my own booth.  I have been at every PUD Board and Citizen's advisory meetings and those of many related groups.

Why don't you have full page ads in the local newspapers?

The answer is simple, funding.  Aside from the much appreciated contributions from two friends, the costs of my entire campaign have been paid for by my wife and I, much of it from our limited savings.  I have spent quite a bit on yard signs, campaign buttons, business cards and ads in the Leader, both print and in their on-line edition and, no matter how important this election is to me, my sense of financial responsibility impacts how much I am willing to spend.

I realize other candidates spend far more money, thousands of dollars, with much of it from campaign contributions.  Is a person, willing to spend thousands of dollars of someone else's money on a local election, the person that you want to manage your tax dollars?

Why don't you put on "meet and greet" gatherings?

Again, finances are the major reason that I have not sponsored such events.  These events take quite quite a bit of work to be successful and, since my campaign committee consists of my wife and I, we have not, at least yet, had one.

Why don't you use notes during campaign forums?

I prefer to speak from the heart, saying what I really feel, sharing more of who I am, with those attending the candidate debates.   When I speak, it may not be as polished and organized as some, but you get a chance to see how I think and react on my feet and see that what I say is what I truly feel is important.  When I respond to questions, it is not played from some "sheet music", but from the knowledge I have acquired from over 40 years as an elected Hospital Commissioner and from my research into the operations of and challenges facing our PUD.

Why don't you just continue your Hospital Commissioner commitment and leave the PUD duties to someone else?

Regardless of the out come of the election, I will continue to serve as your  elected Commissioner with Jefferson County Public Hospital District #2.  For most of the 40+ years I have held this office, I also worked a full-time job.  Now that I am  retired, I have the additional time and energy needed to perform the duties of both offices.

As to why I decided to run for this office, my reasons are that I saw and still see things about our PUD that could be better and that my experience, knowledge and commitment, I feel, will allow me to truly make a difference, to make it better.  The Leader articles, on a weekly basis, about our low income neighbors having their power disconnected, during the cold, dark months of winter, got my attention.  One of the cornerstones of our Hospital District (Jefferson Healthcare) has always been that no one will be denied needed medical care, regardless of their ability to pay.  I will bring that commitment, to provide for those truly in need,  to the PUD Board.

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