The most valuable asset of our PUD
Our PUD has many assets, such as the water distribution piping system, pumping stations, electrical substations, transmission lines and poles, the 4 corners operations center, service trucks, even a fiber optic cable system.
The most important and valuable assets of all are the great people who make up our PUD Staff. These are the linemen who climb out of bed in the middle of a stormy night to repair downed power lines and the water crew working in a trench installing a new water tap. It is the customer service representative who answer the phones and customer questions, and those in the billing and financial department who collect and manage the District funds to assure the money is there to pay for its operations. And there are those who preform support functions, so vital to success.
Our PUD Manager, Jim Parker, who keeps a watchful eye on the whole operation, guiding his team, day after day. These hard-working people, our neighbors and friends, deserve our thanks for their efforts.
The Board of Commissioners do important work, but, it is those who do the day-to-day work of our utility, making sure that the lights stay on and the water keeps flowing, that really make a difference.
Thank you, one and all!!
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