What is the difference between...?
"If you do not like what is going on, either do something about it or keep quiet, don't just sit there and gripe!!!"
As we were returning home this evening, I asked myself a question:
What is the difference between me and a politician?
The list is quite lengthy. I have known some in politics who have managed to maintain their grasp on reality and have kept their personal ethics intact. Far too many who pursue a career in politics, unfortunately, lose both.
Many start with lofty goals and plans to make this world a better place. To initially gain office, most will make campaign promises, occasionally stretch the truth, and frequently loose focus on the issues, instead homing in on their opponent's weaknesses and mistakes.
After they win the election and take office, one of the first things on their political To-Do list is start campaigning to get re-elected or, it they are truly ambitious, start working on moving up the political food l chain to a higher office.
I have served as an elected Commissioner for Jefferson County Public Hospital District No. 2 (dba Jefferson Healthcare) since 1973, now over 40 years. During that time, I have never considered the idea of running for an office higher in the political mechanism and the only time the idea of my re-election comes to mind is the shortly before I need to file to keep my office. I choose, instead, to direct my attention to the business of the District.
Actually, in retrospect, many, MANY, years ago I did run for Jefferson County Commissioner. This was not motivated by political ambition, but by one of my basic philosophies: If you do not like what is going on, either do something about it or keep quiet, don't just sit there an gripe!!! In case you were wondering, I did not win.
And that mindset, my friends, is why I am now running for the office of PUD Commissioner. I saw the frequent articles in the local press about our less fortunate neighbors having their power disconnected and I felt that there must be something that could be done.
To those who may ask, I am as committed to the health of our citizens, and the provision of the highest possible quality healthcare within our county, as I have ever been. Part of that commitment is to assure that even our most financially disadvantaged neighbors will still receive needed healthcare.
Whether you, the voters, decide to give me this new opportunity to serve you as your new PUD Commissioner or not, I will continue my duties as a Hospital Commissioner. Now that I am retired, I have the time, commitment and energy to devote to both!!
Thank you for bearing with me through this long blog!!!
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