

Friday, September 26, 2014

It is barely fall but we can start to feel a bit of a chill in the night air, a prelude to things to come in the next few months. My wife and I are fortunate as we have our small, modest but warm home and enough to make our bills and pursue a hobby or two.

As winter approaches, my mind and heart go out to our less fortunate neighbors, the ones whose financial condition may result, at some time this season, in the loss of their electrical power, lights and, maybe even the ability to keep their family warm as the temperatures drop.

At times, as thoughts linger of the troubles that may lie ahead for these folks, a Garth Brooks song “The Ones the Wolves Pull Down” runs through my mind. The Power Boost program is a start but is not nearly enough to fill the needs. Our PUD, in conjunction with other agencies and organization, needs to step up and take decisive action in developing a more substantial, proactive assistance program.

Our low-income seniors, the ones who worked their entire life, should not suffer from the cold for lack of ability to pay the power bill. Those with disabilities should not fear the cold weather or being plunged in darkness due to a disconnect. Our working poor should not be forced to choose between being able to buy their children needed school supplies or being able to keep the lights on so they can do their homework.

The need is here, all around us, and I want to be your next PUD Commissioner so I can be the voice of those who cannot make it without our help and work toward making the lives of these people a bit better, showing the spirit that makes this place, our home, so special.

Thank you and may you stay warm tonight, and all nights.

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