Good Evening!
I put my daily blog together tonight, but not sure where it will end up. It made sense to me, says a bit about me, my philosophy and my take on others, but just not sure about it.
It is late, so I will save it and see how it hits me in the morning.
I met with the executive committe of the local Sierra Club today. Great people, we chatted, asked and answered question, had a laugh or two and a cup of tea. We are lucky to such an organization dedicated to protecting our environment.
Sunday I will be at the All County Picnic, mostly around the candidate booth, hope to see you there.
I have not been around ringing doorbells, my choice, I want to treat you as I want to be treated and I know how much I dislike having someone disturbing my dinner or other plans for the evening.
I do want to meet you and discuss our PUD and its issues, but at your convenience. Please, if you or even a group of your friends have a bit of time, give me a call or send an Email and we can get together.
360 385-6335 Home phone
Thanks and have a great day tomorrow
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