

Wednesday, May 18, 2016



Each day we invest our energy and our lives into making widgets, selling widgets, servicing widgets and providing for the needs of those who work with widgets.  The widget is whatever you make or sell or service, in other words, what you do for a living.

When we focus on these activities, we develop a kind of tunnel vision and our view of the world is quite small.  Please, do not misunderstand me, making a living, supporting yourself and your family is very important, but each of us needs to be part of something larger.

Some seek to broaden their horizon through organized faith and religion while others thorough service organizations, military service, working for the good of our communities or even joining social clubs.  Each of us need to become a part of something larger, no matter how small the part we play may be.

As you walk along the beach that is life, may your footprints, your legacy, leave a lasting impression and not be like those along the water’s edge, washed away with the next tide.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

All I know is what I read in the papers

Good Evening all,

I have not attended a Jeff Co PUD Commission meeting since I lost the election but have been following it in the Leader.  It has been an interesting read.

I see that there will be a new candidate seeking a seat at that table, will be an interesting campaign, I might just attend a few of the meet and greets to what happens.

Meanwhile, my duties as a Hospital Commissioner are keeping me busy as is my "day job" at Arrow Lumber and Hardware located just south of Port Townsend.

See you around, maybe at the farmer's market