

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Good Evening All.
May we all have many reasons to be thankful this day, and all days. Please take a moment to reflect on the good things in our lives, our families, a warm home, food on the table and our health.

But, please, also take a moment to remember our less fortunate neighbors; take some food to the food bank, donate to the local toy drive and contribute to our PUD's Power Boost program so that we can all be warm this winter.

One last request, regardless of your opinions on world affairs, take a moment, send good thoughts, even say a prayer, for those away from their families this holiday, serving in our armed forces, protecting and defending our freedom.

Happy turkey day!
Tony De Leo

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thank you all!

Thanks to all of you who supported me during my campaign for PUD Commissioner.  I tried to put a thank you in the Leader in the Letter to the Editor section this last week, but was told that I had to pay for an ad.  I will try to arrange that soon.

Sherry and I wish all of you a warm and happy holiday season!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

They still need us!

"Just because the spotlight no longer calls attention to an issue, that does not mean that the need is any less critical."

The election is over, the debates now only a memory, the articles about the PUD Commissioner candidates and their priorities no longer fill our newspapers.

Many of the issues facing our community and its PUD, raised during the campaigns, are still as critical as ever.  Of all of the topics raised, the plight of our less fortunate neighbors is the one that must be kept in our minds and our hearts as the temperatures fall.  Our PUD has increased the reduction in winter power bills from $7.49 to 20.00 per month.  This is a start, but more, much more, must still be done. 

Many of the people, most in need, live in homes providing little protection from the frigid nights.  They are heated by inefficient devices, such as baseboard radiant heaters.  These residences, because of their condition, require great amounts of electricity to keep its occupants warm and to protect the plumbing from freezing.

Until our PUD can do more, it is up to us to continue contributing to the Power Boost program.  The funds raised by this program will soon be distributed by St. Vincent de Paul as well as by OlyCap.  Please give what you can to help prevent the devastating effects caused by power disconnects this winter.

Thank you!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The anticlimax

As I look at the calendar, it has been only a week since the ballots were counted and the decision made, though, somehow, it feels as if it has been months.

A person prints a report just after 8PM, November 4, steps forward and reads two numbers, and that is it, the end.  I stood there for a moment in the Auditor's office, trying to process what I had just heard.  The end of six months of effort and commitment took only a few seconds, now on with the rest of my life.

I knew in my head that there was a possibility that I might lose the election.  I was sure that I was prepared for whatever the outcome might be, that I would be happy that the stress and long hours of the campaign, the longest job interview of my life, would be over.

Sometime the next day, I found that I wasn't as prepared as I had thought.  When you pour your heart and soul into something, a commitment to make a difference, to serve your community, your spirit may not understand the pragmatic aspects of an election.

While my opponent was out door-belling and holding fundraiser events, counting your votes, I was doing the research, learning the laws and studying the issues facing our PUD and our community.  I am now, slowly, clearing out the material I had gathered on PUD operations, eight three-ring binders and several file folders full of research.  I feel a bit guilty about how much paper I has used during six months of prep, but I will make sure that all the paper goes to recycling, still trying to do my part.
It is cool but he sun is shining, enjoy this day, and every day, as a gift.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I saw trees!!

"When you get too fixed on a single goal, the important things of life can, too easily, be missed."

First, thanks to all of you who are still tuning into this. 

Yesterday, while out driving, for the first time in a long time, I saw trees.  Being so focused on the my pursuit of the PUD Commission position, I, apparently, was so busy looking for good spots for yard signs that I no longer saw the beauty along our roadways, the trees and other wonders that make this such wonderful place to live.

This is a good sign that I am on my way to getting past the election outcome, regrouping and getting back to a "normal" life.

Have a wonderful evening!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Here I am again

I know, I said last night's blog was the last, but wanted to let you all know that I did, in fact, survive the election's outcome, though a bit bruised.  I really needed a bit of time to regroup, but today was another day, Hospital Commission Meeting this afternoon (Wednesday).  I put on my game face, back in the saddle and doing my duty to the best of my ability.

All I, or anyone should, ask of me is to do my best while retaining my ethical standards.  That is what I did during the campaign.  I have learned a lot through the process.

I do feel that I have let down some wonderful people that, I feel, had depended on me to win this race and support their efforts.  To you, I offer my most sincere apology.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Last entry

The count has been taken, the voters have spoken, Mr. Ken Collins will be your new PUD Commissioner as of January, 2015.

Collins   56.79%
De Leo   43.21% 

I want to thank all of you who have read these blogs and those who have supported me.  I ran my campaign refusing to compromise my standards or my integrity.  I and not now, never have been nor never will be a "politician", just someone who wanted to give back to my community and make a difference.

Thank you all
Tony & Sherry De Leo
Please join us tonight

"Life is always worth celebrating, if for no other reason than we are still able to celebrate!!"

We will be at the Valley Tavern, Port Hadlock, around 9PM tonight for a low key BYOB (buy your own beverage) celebration of the election.  We will celebrate my victory, that of my opponent, but, mostly, celebrate the end of a very long road to election day!

Hope to see you there.

Thank you all for reading these and for your support!

Tony & Sherry
Last minute decision info

"The best decisions are made by those who take the time to get all the facts before taking action."

For those still considering the best choice to fill the PUD Commissioner spot, here is a quick guide to Anthony F. (Tony) De Leo.  I will continue to fulfill my commitment to my Hospital Commission duties along with my new PUD responsibilities.  Now retired, I have the time and energy for both.  As to legal issues, I have two legal opinions finding no conflicts in me holding both offices.

  • Over 40 years experience as a local elected Hospital Commissioner.
  • Hospital Commissioner; as part of a team, we grew a small, rural hospital into an integrated health care system, Jefferson Healthcare, with an annual budget of over 77 million dollars and 580 employees.  
  • Fourth generation, lifetime Jefferson County resident, committed to community service.
  • I support open, transparent government and Open Public Meetings and Public Records Acts.
  • Team player, work together to reach the goals.
  • Can-do attitude, do the homework and find a way to get the job done.
  • Make-do attitude, if it still works, not posing a safety or function issue,why replace it.
  • Throwing money at a problem won't solve the problem, , hard work and innovation will.
  • Treat all with respect, acknowledge the contributions of others.
  • Do the research, get the facts, then take a stand, make the tough decisions and stand by them.
  • After making a decision or taking an action, if a better solution comes along, go for it.
  • When it fails, take the blame, when it works, pass along the praise to others.
  • Open to new ideas and innovation, if they show merit, work to make them happen.
  • Learn from the success, and failure, of others.
  • Always remembers to act with the best interests of those you represent in mind.
Thank you for your vote, 

Monday, November 3, 2014

An observation on local government

"When the spotlight shines on one player, sometimes it is easy to forget that success comes from the efforts and accomplishments of the entire cast and crew."

During an election, all eyes are on the candidates, all ears directed to their voice, and, far too frequently, some come to believe that this one person can make great changes and fix all that is wrong with the world.

Government is a team effort.  Having someone take office, one with the experience, energy and commitment, can, frequently change the dynamics, the way a board functions.  It is still a team effort that makes things happen.  When those we elect can work well with their fellow elected officials, progress can be made, but only when a majority makes the decision.  Once the decision is made, it is the efforts of  the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), administrator or manager, working with their staff, that really does the work.

The elected officials, working with other agencies and organizations, can produce more, with less duplication of effort, that one agency working alone.  Working with our community, keeping in tune with their concerns and suggestions, will help assure that decisions made by those we elect will reflect the wishes of the citizens they serve.

Thank you
Less than 24 hours

If you have already voted, thank you!!  If you have not yet cast your ballot, you have until 8PM Tuesday night, November 4 to let your voice be heard.

This is the time that the future of many of our local government agencies will be decided.  As for the PUD Commission race, I would truly appreciate your vote.  But, whomever you choose, please make sure that you fill out your ballot and either mail it or put it in one of the drop boxes.  You are a part of our community and have the right to decide how it will be governed.

Thank you to those of you who have served, or are currently serving, in our armed forces, for paying such a high price to retain our liberty.  The right to vote, to decide who will govern us, is one of the most important duties and privileges that we have, please, do not let your voice, your vote, fall silent.

By this time tomorrow night, we will know who will become our new PUD Commissioner.  To those of you who have supported me and honored my with your vote, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

Sleep well.  The winds  blow strongly this night, but know that, if there is a power outage, our PUD crews will be out in this terrible weather to re-establish your service, day or night, 24/7.  Thank you PUD crew!!!
Think globally, act locally

"If you depend on others to take action, nothing may happen or, at best, they will do it their way!"

For those concerned about the future of our environment and keeping this rock that we live on habitable, dependence on our legislators and regulators to do the right thing may not be the best approach.

We need to take action locally!  I am not talking about protests or sit-ins, but working on projects here in our little piece of paradise, showing the rest of the world what can be done by local government, such as our PUD, working with industry, other agencies and groups, to create demonstration projects, be it solar, innovative conservation programs or any other action.  Our efforts  will help assure that the environmental legacy we leave for future generations will be at least as good as what we have now.

This is the time and we are the ones to take this action.  Tomorrow night, we will know who will be elected to help set the policies, goals and objectives for our PUD and the future of our community and the kind world we will leave for our decedents.  The time I spend with my grandkids energizes me to work to protect their futures.

If you have voted, thank you!  If not yet, please do so and I would appreciate your vote.  I have the experience, the energy and the commitment to work toward making the positive changes needed for our PUD.

Remember, conserve resources, it will save you money and help assure a better future for us all.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Have you voted yet??  Important decisions are being make!!

If you have already had your say,  through your ballot, on how our government will be run in the future, THANK YOU!!

For those of you who haven't done the deed yet, please do so, you have until the poles close on Tuesday evening to make a difference!!!

For those still pondering who you will choose, I ask that you select me to be your new PUD Commissioner.  Whomever you choose for PUD Commissioner will be one of three making the critical decisions for the next six years.

With the challenges facing our PUD, this is not the time for a novice, inexperienced Commissioner to receive on-the-job training.  During my 40 years as an elected Public Hospital District Commissioner, I have been a part of the transformation of a small rural hospital into an integrated healthcare system, Jefferson Healthcare,  with an annual budget of over 77 million dollars and 580 employees.

This experience in this office, very similar to that of a PUD Commissioner, has prepared me to take on a this new challenge.  I have received the training on,  and support, the Open Public Meetings and Public Records Acts (most recent training on July 16, 2014) and understand the difference between the duties of a Commissioner and those of staff, knowledge that can make a great difference on how the well our PUD operates.

  I have been studying the operations of our PUD and other PUD's and will be ready to hit the ground running on January 2, 2015

Although the PUD Commissioner race may not be as important as, say, who will be judge or county commissioner, but, please, remember that the three Commissioners that make up the Board will decide the future of our electrical and water systems, critical to future.

Our PUD has incurred a public debt of over $115,000,000.00 (one hundred fifteen million dollars) and will be required to start paying, in March, 2015, nearly $6,000,000.00 (six million dollars) per year to pay back the loan and this will be for the next 28 years.

Our PUD's budget for 2015 will be over $35,000,000.00 (thirty five million dollars) and the Commissioners make the major decisions how this will be spent.  They will also decide what , if anything, will be done to reduce the burden of winter power bills on our less fortunate neighbors and whether we will have another winter with many of them put into darkness and cold, resulting from having their power disconnected for lack of payment.

The Commissioners will chart the course for the future of energy and water conservation as well as how alternative power sources, such as solar, will fit into their plans.

Choosing your next PUD Commissioner is important and I would appreciate the opportunity to continue a lifetime of serving my community by becoming your new PUD Commissioner.

Thank you
Anthony F. (Tony) De Leo

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Christmas wish
Santa visited  today's craft show  at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.  He asked me what I wanted for Christmas.   I told Santa that my wish was that we would all have a warm home for the winter, including our less fortunate neighbors.  Santa said that that this Christmas wish could come true if we all worked together to make it happen.

Thank you Santa!!

PS.  No Santa was injured in the making of this picture.